Looking For Something?

March 14, 2011

Truth Spoken By Ron Paul

What If??

1 comment:

nbtt said...

What IF? Very interisting. Sounds more like a child's game. You could play what if all day long and not prove anything. RP ask the question and then ends thinking that if he is wrong whats the harm. Just ask all our fellow country men when we stuck our head in the sand during WWII. What if we entered earlier, how many lives would have been saved? There is always a consequence for making or not making a choice. You never know if you are right until you make a choice and see what results. Playing the game of what if does not prove anything. It is just an easy way to try and justify your position and not take responsibility for the outcomes. Life is not that simple. we have been blessed as the world's "superpower". With that comes responsibility. It does not mean running and hiding in a corner somewhere. It means taking the lead. The moral high road in an ever deteriorating society/world. There will be mistakes made, learn and grow from them. At what point would you repair your house if it were falling down. You could say what if I died would it matter? I am sure it would matter to someone. What if you did not die and the roof collapsed and killed you? Would it matter? I am sure it would mattter to your spouse, children, famil and friends. But then that is not the point behind what if. It is about self as in selfishness. I could play what if all night long and see how much of a joke and to what extreme it goes. What if is not a game for a citizen that wants to lead the most powerful country (will not be if the current president has his way)on the planet to play. We need LEADERS not politians who want to play childish games.