Our government is nothing other than what the media categorizes corporations as, too big and to greedy!
How, might you ask....
They steal our money through income taxes, corporate taxes, and sales taxes and they ask for more from every sector of live and business. Not only are they over taxing us on multiple levels but they offer nothing efficient to show for when they come to ask for more.
Recently I've had a brief conversation with a few work friends about Philadelphia's local Transit system SEPTA. I figured it's a bit ridicules that the City of Philadelphia can't provide a public transit system that's not efficient in multitudes of aspects.
Besides the clear facts that all public transit is regularly over crowded, not accommodating to many, and often not running on schedule; it's often said by the conservatives that it'd be better handled by private companies. Well tho that may be the best way, if you wanna please the liberals you let the cities or states run public transportation. Well if we build on that scenario what might we venture to think should be the mission of Septa?
Is its mission to run and at best provide a reasonable form of transportation to its citizens?
Or since the government is running / overseeing the transit system shouldn't its mission be to provide the most efficient transit system to best support our local and international businesses? That is their job right? That's something that we've forgotten somehow and we've let our urgency slip and the statuesque reign. And if the government is running the transit system then what should its defining function be?
Is it to profit from the people or provide the functions necessary for them to prosper?
We continue to ALLOW government to command the transit system, so have we honestly gotten what we want? NO.
What can be changed to allow for government to continue to run the transit system while providing the benefits and efficiency we should have been demanding this entire time.
They firstly need to make a universal trans pass/token system. If you can ride a Septa bus you should be able to get your transfer on the bus to take the subway to your job. Or likewise, one should be allowed to use a trans pass to ride both the subway, train, and buses. In correlation to the conversation I had with my work friends I asked them why this wasn't already implemented in today's society? Response: Because they're (government's) making more money off the current system. Back to the question of who does the government work for and why should we leave them the responsibility? And come on, really, what's the disillusion with some that government makes any money by running the transit system. Well, what money they would make goes to all the benefits, maintenance, and lawsuits they have to fight. Do you think taxpayer money pays for private companies expenses? NOPE, so why should everyone's money pay for it to begin with then?
Secondly, Septa should inspect the rate at which it efficiently transports its customers, US! Excuse after excuse or better yet none to be heard, what's worse? Seriously, is it too much to ask for more. If I were the owner of a company and I were providing a service, now wouldn't it be worth my while to make my service the best in every aspect to please my customers to keep them in my good graces. Well, it shouldn't be any different for Septa! We should have a reliable fleet of buses, train, and subs. We should have well maintained streets and rails. We should have effective workers running these services. We must reassess routes, location of stops, and frequency of trips. If Philly were to study each of these area then maybe we wouldn't be complaining so much and our rides would not start nor end in dire anger or aggression.
We're all adults and need to step up and act as so and make our complaints and suggestions heard or nothing will ever get changed and the statuesque will prevail. Go to your local transit system's website and make sure to leave a comment. When all fails, as most government run things do, look toward private business to overcome and prevail, but they as well must be pressured to offer the best of services and hopefully the roll of competition will do just that!
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